
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Royal kindergarten class

This week we will end our study on kings and queens. We have learned so much about a royal family and the disadvantages and advantages of being part of one. Each student made their very own crown as an introductory craft to this unit of study.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Measuring weight

Today we continued our study on measurement. We have learned about height, length and weight. Students used mini balance scales and a ball of clay to problem solve how to make the scale balance. They were very creative in their problem solving and worked cooperatively with a partner.

Learning about Native Americans

Last week we continued our study on the Native American Indians. We learned about the Lakota Sioux tribe, where they lived, their shelter and the food that was available for them to eat. Because they were nomadic they lived in teepees allowing them to quickly put up and take down their shelter.  I cannot believe how much information these kindergarten students have taken in and remembered. Great job!